January 31, 2006

my little wookie

So I have been knitting, but I don't have any progress pictures because nothing has changed dramatically. I've almost finished the second sleeve on my Hourglass Sweater. Then all I have left is the yoke! Hopefully I can start wearing it next week, if I can figure out how to do the hem. I haven't touched my sewing machine in maybe 4 years.

Our cat, Chewbacca, has been having a hard couple of weeks. A week and a half ago, we noticed that he was trying to pee on the bathroom floor, but all that was coming out were a few bloody drops. We took him to the emergency vet. He's had a UTI before, so we knew that's what it probably was, but he hadn't bled the last time. They confirmed that it was probably a UTI and nothing more serious. They did an ultrasound and said that his bladder was way too small and empty to take a urine sample. They sent us home with some antibiotics and pain killers.

I actually stayed home from work on Monday because of Chewy. He seemed like he was in a lot of pain still, and he kept trying to pee on the couch, in the bathtub, and also in his litter box about every 2 minutes. He roamed around the house just meowing. It was so hard to watch. I'm glad I stayed home to keep an eye on him though (and keep an eye on our couch), but it was pretty stressful for me.

After that, he seemed to improve but by this past Saturday he was still occasionally roaming around the house meowing, and he was still trying to pee in appropriate places sometimes. We also couldn't recall seeing him drink any water at all in the past week. We took him back to the vet and she did another ultrasound. Still a tiny bladder, but she tried to get a urine sample anyway. It confirmed that there weren't any crystals in his bladder, so that's good! He's just really dehydrated. So we got to bring home an IV bag to help hydrate him. Every other day, I get to stick a needle into his neck (Tim refuses....wuss ;) ) and give him his fluids. It seems this is helping though. He hasn't been meowing incessantly or peeing on the rug anymore.

Poor kitty.

In other news, I bought a fondue pot today so we are going to have some yummy cheese & beer fondue tonight! Yummmmm.

Posted by alison at 05:34 PM

matt said:

poor chew, I will come give him hugs.

Posted on February 1, 2006 07:11 AM

katie said:

Poor kitty! Send him some get well soon wishes from me.

Posted on February 1, 2006 12:00 PM

Cirilia said:

Definitely say hello! I was actually bummed that I didn't get to go to Stitches East, since I know many more East Coast bloggers, and not too many West Coast ones. See you there!

P.S. I drooled on my keyboard when I read about your fondue plans...

Posted on February 10, 2006 04:13 PM
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