September 02, 2005

packing up

We leave tomorrow early morning on our Arizona trip. I have a very long list of things to do before we leave. So far today I have changed kitty litter; trimmed kitty claws so that they wont tear up furniture when we are gone; cleaned up another huge line of ants (ARGH!); and vacuumed and mopped the living room, dining room, kitchen, guest bath and hallway.

I still need to mow the grass in the backyard, water all my plants, do laundry, do some dishes, take out the trash, get gas for the car, drop something off at work so someone can sub for me next week, and put post-its all over the house to make it easier for Matt to remember what all needs to be done when he comes by the house. Tonight, Tim is going to help me clean the fishtank, go grocery shopping for roadtrip snacks, and build a moat around the cat food so that the ants don't have a crazy fiesta while we are away.

Getting ready for a trip is hard, but I think I make it harder because I like the house to be clean when I get home. I don't like coming home and looking around to see a lot of stuff that needs to be done. Plus I want to get the house as clean as possible so that there is nothing even tempting to the ants to invade our house while we are gone. I'm sure Matt will appreciate that as well.

I'm also sure that this entry was an incredibly interesting read.

Have a good long weekend, everyone!

Posted by alison at 11:53 AM

rachel said:

I'm sitting here at my internship bored to tears and thought I would see what is up at your awesome knitting blog. I just have to say that imagining ants having a "crazy fiesta" just cracked me up! Hope you have great trip, talk to you soon, the knitting looks awesome!

Posted on September 6, 2005 03:09 PM
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