February 20, 2005

well, this was depressing.

Could it please stop raining for at least a week? My poor flowerbeds are drowning.

My mom called this week though and gave me some bad news. My doggy (Oscar) was seeming to be in more and more pain last week. Mom took him to the vet a couple times, but the painkillers he got didn't seem to be helping. You may recall that he is now 17 and that I wrote out the long list of his ailments after returning from my xmas trip. He didn't seem to be suffering then, but his old age caught up with him. His kidney issues were getting worse and worse, so much that he was peeing blood. My mom said that at the end of last week, it was so bad that it was actually making him bark out loud from pain. So my mom took him last Friday and had him put to sleep. She said he fought the sedative - didn't want to go to sleep. But he finally did and the vet gave him the last shot. I'm pretty sad about it. He was 17, which means we've had him since I was 12. My mom was upset and said the house was too quiet, but she also said that my dad was taking it particularly hard. Oscar was his little buddy. But now he's keeping Jingles company. I'm glad I got to see him at xmas. I knew it would probably be the last time, so I said a nice, long goodbye.

As if this wasn't enough, my mom also told me that her cousin died this past week too. (He was actually her double cousin - her dad's sister married her mom's brother). He was her age and they aren't sure what he died of, so it shook her up a bit. Then last night, my mom called again. My Uncle Lewis (actually my great-aunt's first husband) died Friday night so my parents drove up to Kansas today for the funeral. Three in one week. A lot for them to be dealing with. To me, though, they are just relatives I have heard about but don't really remember. I have faint memories of playing with other kids in Uncle Lewis's basement when I was maybe 4, but that's about it.

I haven't been updating much. You might have noticed. Busy with school and getting ready for kitchen remodel (which should start next weekend). I've also been getting a little knitting time in. Went to Stitches West last weekend (big knitting conference in Santa Clara). I took two classes - one about gauge (loved it!) and one called stashology (which was okay, but not what I was hoping for). I bought lots of yummy yarn though: some really soft, fuzzy stuff which I'm making a baby blanket out of; some "suede" type fabric which I will make a poncho out of; some alpaca for a sweater, pattern still to be determined; and a couple other fun things. It was a pretty fun time.

Tim left today for Pittsburgh and the house was very quiet and lonely. The cats really are boring when you have to look to them for entertainment. I did some homework and then took Emy's advice and went to the snb for awhile. I have a hard time with those usually because I can't knit while having conversations; I always screw something up. Today I was working on that easy baby blanket though, so I was able to talk a little bit. It was fun. Maybe I will find time to go again soon - though probably not until after kitchen remodel.

I'm really wanting to get ahead with papers and stuff so that I won't be stressed out later, but that never works out. Hopefully I will get a lot of reading done while Tim is gone this week though. It's up in the air whether I will be more or less productive without him around. Will just have to wait and see.

I got some coffee this morning on the way back from the airport and my head is still wonky because of it. Nonetheless, I am going to try to get some sleep now because I have to get up to go to my internship tomorrow, even though no one else seems to have to work. Lucky bastards.

Posted by alison at 11:05 PM

Emy said:

I think going to SnBs has helped me knit when having conversations! I can listen, but generally when I talk, I also have to stop knitting. Part of that is it's tough for me to knit without looking at what I'm doing, and I'd rather look at someone when I talk to them.

I'm so glad you were able to come today! It's too bad you weren't able to get help on the seaming though - Mary would have been great with that, but she came quite late, and was busy with those shawls. I don't have any advice to offer, since my sweater was all done in one piece and there were no seams. Have you tried anything like knitting a couple of swatches out of some spare yarn, and trying to sew those together?

Posted on February 21, 2005 12:07 AM

Genevieve said:

I'm so sorry about Oscar :( I'm glad you got to say your goodbyes at Christmas.

On a completely different note, I am anxious to hear about your kitchen remodel and maybe even seen some of the progress?? (hint, hint)

Posted on February 21, 2005 08:20 AM

Abigail said:

It was good to meet you at the SnB! I can't knit without looking, so I end up being rude and not looking while I'm talking, unless I stop knitting and don't realize it, which is entirely possible too.

Sorry to hear about your doggie. My childhood dog was put to sleep a while ago (10 years this August, I think) and I'm still sad that I didn't get a final goodbye.

Posted on February 21, 2005 11:05 AM

Chad said:

Poor little Oscar. Maybe he is hanging out with Hershey now. She likes to play :)

Posted on February 21, 2005 12:18 PM

Jessica said:

That's a lot of hard news to take all at once. Take care of yourself.

Posted on February 21, 2005 05:37 PM
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