November 23, 2004


Semester's end is always so busy. Add on top of that the new house needs and there doesn't seem to be much free time. Moving into a house that you own is SO MUCH MORE work than moving in to a new rental. Oh my goodness. We are having people over for Thanksgiving in two days and we have so much more to do before the house will be presentable (and usable in order to cook a turkey and other things!).

So many papers due in the next few weeks, so many final exams and projects. On top of that, I'm stressed about my internship for the spring semester (which the internship advisor doesn't seem to be working very hard to set up). I really don't have time to find one on my own. December 15th....if only I can make it until then, I will have a month off for travel, housework, and maybe even some time for myself and my hubby and even some of our friends!

I can't wait to post some "after" pictures of our house. Tim and I decided that we are going to keep a list of all the improvements that we do, for out own amusement and appreciation of our hard work. We're also still trying to deal with all the people who are trying to rip us off, but hopefully those will be settled soon - one way or another.

Life goes on, one day at a time. That's the only way I will get through all of this chaos.

Posted by alison at 08:17 PM
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