August 23, 2004


So I think I've decided to make this my complete blog instead of just my knitting one. I've been using livejournal for everything but knitting, but this one seems to be getting neglected a lot. There's really no point in keeping them separate.

So we are going to make a bid on that house this week. We're really nervous because of all the horror stories we've heard about buying houses in this area. But before we make our bid, I think I'm going to ask my dad if he can help out with the down payment. We have the 20% but the more attractive we can make the offer, the better, so a larger down payment would be nice. We may not even need it, but it would be nice to know if it would be a possibility. I'm a little scared about asking my dad about a loan though. I've had money issues with my parents in the past (college) and am just a little nervous about getting a possible lecture. I guess the worst he could do overall is say no though. Plus I know he has helped my aunt and uncle and maybe even my cousin out with houses before, so I shouldn't be too worried, right?

School starts Wednesday. I had a potluck dinner for my internship group last Thursday night. Thought it was just going to be a fun, get-to-know-you thing but the intern supervisor also gave us a 40-page handout so I guess I should read that today or tomorrow too.

I really want to finish knitting my hoodie before school starts. All I have left is one arm and the hood, but somehow I still don't think I will be able to finish soon.

Posted by alison at 10:55 AM
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